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My Opinion On Affective Media And Wearables Paper When I Was A Young Student

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My Opinion On Affective Media And Wearables Paper When I Was A Young Student

Also as I'm in the E-learning group, most of the evaluations are based on the users, whether it is their emotion, performance, etc.. After that the device should react accordingly to these values or give feedbacks, which those in the fields of informatics can do. Click

At first there was a similarity in my lab of human interface where we develop a technology with always keeping in mind that the final receiver is always us human being.. video-container iframe, video-container object, video-container embed {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}img { max-width: 100%; max-height: auto;}This is one of my Masters assignment from Media Information Processing Course which has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here.. With the data extracted from the user, the device should process it and makes a judgment whether the person is happy, sad, angry, or other emotions.. My opinion and thoughts on Prof Rosalind Picard's paper on, "Affective media and wearables: surprising findings" will be written as following.. Maybe back then most of them only focuses on cognition side (a person's ability and processing power) but lacks on emotion side (frustration, stress, etc). Click

Her field of study claims to balance the cognition and emotion on developing technologies. HERE

She started by enabling computers to be able to interact with human emotions Her product can be in form of wearable sensors, audio and video coupled with signal processing, etc.. Prof Rosalind Picard started a new research field in affective computing Their research group background is that most technologies were created without putting emotions into consideration. ae05505a44 HERE

This field needs a collaboration between other fields (lots of them) because it includes many different aspect.. Up to now, not yet I have heard that a device exist that could straightly identifies the emotion of someone, but instead uses the physical phenomena that is generated by the person, for example the body heat, heart beat, and blood pressure.. Then they will respond these values, whether to the health condition, stress level, or frustration of the users to ease them, in other words user friendly.. Once the prototype is finished then we need to think of the design Should we embed pressure sensors on keyboard and mouse? Should we use webcam to identify the user's facial expression? Should we embed wearable sensors to the user? We must think of a strategy to apply this without adding discomfort to the user.. These products are design to be able to sense the physical and the emotional condition of the user.